As they say ….”Fail to plan, Plan to fail.“
A big part of planning on any construction project involves paying attention to details (ATD).
In order to have the right aluminum railing materials on the job site and being able to coordinate the appropriate installation labor force, the Project Manager must stay on top of the always changing job site conditions. In the real world confirmation of site conditions are often a moving target requiring revisions (change orders), on the fly, to rectify the challenges and keep things moving.
Remember “Problems” are just “Challenges” looking for a solution.
Shop drawing sign-off and order fabrication is often based on blueprint drawings of what is projected to be there, but not often complete at time of product ordering. Hence, on the fly changes and Murphy’s Law can often rear there ugly heads. Strong ongoing knowledge of site conditions, paying attention to details (ATD) often is the difference to smooth project management and job profitability.
Aluminum railing product types such as S.T.A.R. offering easy field modification versatility and play a important role in achieving smooth project management, job profitability, along with satisfied repeat customers.
This is a key DETAIL to remember throughout the project.